Linux Installation
- Use database/schema.sql to initialize your database
- Create configuration file ~/.wiaflos
- The top directory of Wiaflos
- Database details used to access the Wiaflos database
DBDSN=DBI:mysql:database=wiaflos;host=localhost DBUser=root DBPass=
- Your SMTP server
- Uncomment & set to a file containing a plain text message to include in the body of the invoice email
#Invoice_EmailMsg_Template= Invoice_From=youremail@your.domain Invoice_Template=../contrib/invoices/invoice1.tmpl
- Uncomment and set to your GPG key to sign invoices
- Start the SOAP engine
# cd soap # ./soapServer
- Run the admin interface in another terminal
# ./wiaflos
- Connect to server in the admin interface
/> connect admin password
- Load the basic set of accounts
/> load file="contrib/books/10-basic.wiaflos"
- Type "help" at anytime to get help, or "help <command>"